Findings Summary-Table¶
A few scans performed against EL9 systems are version-dependent. Watchmaker is designed to ensure that a given EL9 host is running at the latest-available EL9 minor-release version. Some of the version-dependent scans are for versions (well) prior “the latest-available EL9 minor-release version”. The person responding to scan-findings should make sure to notice if the findings-text includes mention of specific EL9 minor-release version or version-ranges and compare that to the EL9 minor-release of the scanned system. If the version/version-range is less than that of the scanned version, the scan result may be immediately flagged as “INVALID FINDING”. Anything that cannot be immediate flagged in this way should be checked against the following table of known findings[1].
Finding Summary
Finding Identifiers
Ensure Users Re-Authenticate for Privilege Escalation - sudo NOPASSWD
Only Authorized Local User Accounts Exist on Operating System
Set the UEFI Boot Loader Admin Username to a Non-Default Value
The operating system must use a separate file system for /tmp
This document is being written early in the adoption-cycle for DISA-mandated
security-controls. As such, some of the automation and associated scan-finding
are for pre-release content. Such content will typically lack the
finding-identifiers within the DISA content (e.g., the vulnerability IDs that
take a format like V-<SIX_DIGIT_STRING>
and vendor IDs that take the
format <OSID>-08-<FINDING_ID>
The OS must be a vendor-supported release¶
Conditionally-valid Finding:
Not Valid Findings:
During testing (using the
tool), this control was witnessed to misidentify RHEL 9.4 as not being a supported OS release. As of this document’s date (2024-06-10), 9.4 is the latest-available release of Red Hat: 9.4 released on 2024-04-30 (see Red Hat Article #3078); 9.5 is due in early November of this year.
Expected Findings:
CentOS releases never have “vendor support”
Oracle Linux 9, when used with scanners that implement same evaluation-criteria as the
tool, expect the vendor-string to indicate Red Hat, but the tested file will (rightly) indicate Oracle as vendor
Set the UEFI Boot Loader Password¶
Invalid Finding:
By default, watchmaker
will attempt to set a UEFI bootloader password. If the watchmaker
user does not set the ash-linux:lookup:grub-passwd
Pillar parameter to a site-custom value, a default value will be used. Currently, this default value is AR34llyB4dP4ssw*rd
It is highly recommended that a site-specific value be set for the
Pillar parameter. While failing to do so will
not result in a scan-finding, it will mean that anyone that has read this
document – or who has reviewed the watchmaker source-code – will know your
servers’ bootloader password
Ensure Users Re-Authenticate for Privilege Escalation - sudo NOPASSWD¶
Conditionally-valid Finding:
Accounts configured for token- or key-based logins typically do not have passwors set. This is common on systems that leverage the cloud-init
service to configure a default- or provisioning-user account. Similary, PIV-enabled accounts will typically not have passwords.
On AWS-hosted systems, the default-/provisioning user is configured with no password set, instead relying on SSH key-based logins for authentication. For such user-accounts, in order to provide the ability to use sudo
option must be set.
The watchmaker automation normally comments out any sudoers
entries that may be defined. However, to preserve expected functionality for the cloud-init
-created default-/provisioning-user, removal of the NOPASSWD
directive is not performed against the /etc/sudoers.d/90-cloud-init-users
file. Therefore, this finding is expected on systems that leverage the cloud-init
service to configure a default- or provisioning-user account. Systems that do not leverage the cloud-init
service to configure a default- or provisioning-user account should have no findings of this type listed.
Support session locking with tmux¶
Invalid Finding:
Watchmaker addresses this security-control. However, many scanners’ check-automation have inflexible pattern-matching which are unable to properly detect that the finding has been addressed
Configure tmux to lock session after inactivity¶
Invalid Finding:
The configuration-automation within watchmaker
will configure the tmux
service per the STIGs. If this finding pops up, it will be necessary to ensure that:
The associated
state (.../el9/RuleById/medium/content_rule_configure_tmux_lock_after_time
) actually ran and ran to successful completionThe
-set value is the same as the site’s prescribed-value
Configure the tmux Lock Command¶
Invalid Finding:
The configuration-automation within watchmaker
will configure the tmux
service per the STIGs. If this finding pops up, it will be necessary to ensure that:
The associated
state (.../el9/RuleById/medium/content_rule_configure_tmux_lock_command
) actually ran and ran to successful completionThe
-set value is the same as the site’s prescribed-value
Set the UEFI Boot Loader Admin Username to a Non-Default Value¶
Invalid Finding:
By default, watchmaker
will attempt to set a custom superuser name for the UEFI bootloader. If the watchmaker
user does not set the ash-linux:lookup:grub-user
Pillar parameter to a site-custom value, a default value will be used. Currently, this default value is grubuser
It is highly recommended that a site-specific value be set for the
Pillar parameter. While failing to do so will
not result in a scan-finding, it will mean that anyone that has read this
document will know your servers’ bootloader superuser name
Ensure Logs Sent To Remote Host¶
Expected Finding:
“Ensure Logs Sent To Remote Host” is a wholly site-specific determination. While most scanners will look for whether log-offloading via rsyslog
has been set up, this scan-criteria is generally not valid:
Many sites use tools other than
to handle log-offloading (Splunk, FluentBit, CSP-specific log-agents have all been used by various organizations that use watchmaker to harden their systemsEven sites that do use
to handle log-offloading, the scanners frequently look only for the log-destinationlogcollector
- or similarly-generic destination-name - rather than the hostname, FQDN or IP address of the log-collection server
It will be up to the system assessor to know the site-specific implementation-requirements and validate accordingly
The operating system must use a separate file system for /tmp¶
Invalid Finding:
If the scan-target implements the /tmp
filesystem as a (tmpfs
) pseudofileystem, some scanners will fail to properly detect that the STIG-specified standalone mount has been configured.
Add nodev Option to /tmp¶
Invalid Finding:
If the scan-target implements the /tmp
filesystem as a (tmpfs
) pseudofileystem – or otherwise implements the /tmp
filesystem’s mount-options by way of a systemd options file – some scanners will fail to properly detect that the STIG-specified mount-options have been configured.
Add noexec Option to /tmp¶
Invalid Finding:
If the scan-target implements the /tmp
filesystem as a (tmpfs
) pseudofileystem – or otherwise implements the /tmp
filesystem’s mount-options by way of a systemd options file – some scanners will fail to properly detect that the STIG-specified mount-options have been configured.
Add nosuid Option to /tmp¶
Invalid Finding:
If the scan-target implements the /tmp
filesystem as a (tmpfs
) pseudofileystem – or otherwise implements the /tmp
filesystem’s mount-options by way of a systemd options file – some scanners will fail to properly detect that the STIG-specified mount-options have been configured.
Configure Multiple DNS Servers in /etc/resolv.conf¶
Expected Finding:
In many environments, particularly CSP hosting-environments, “individual” DNS servers are actually highly-available services that answer at a single, highly-available IP address. As such, configuaration of multiple DNS servers may not only not be possible but may actually cause functionality-breaking problems.
Configure System to Forward All Mail For The Root Account¶
Conditionally-valid Finding:
Forwarding-rules for a system’s root
user account is a wholly enterprise-specific – or even specific to service-group or individual-system level – determination. While watchmaker can be used to close this finding (via the .../el9/RuleById/medium/content_rule_postfix_client_configure_mail_alias
control/handler), it relies on the ash-linux:lookup:root-mail-dest
Pillar-parameter having a value set. If this value is not set, then watchmaker will not close this finding.
’s automation-content does not have the capability of ensuring that:
The Pillar-parameter’s
value is set to a valid email destinationEven if the
value is set to a valid email destination, forwarding to that destination will actually function
Ensure Chrony is only configured with the server directive¶
Conditionally-valid Finding:
Setup of the chrony
time-synchronization system can be very site-specific. In fact, some sites may choose not to set it up, at all, due to having other methods for ensuring that their hosts’ time is kept properly-synchronized with an authoritative source. By default, watchmaker
will make no changes to the configuration of the chrony
time-synchronization service unless one sets the ash-linux:lookup:use-ntp
Pillar parameter to True
. If set to True
, watchmaker
will attempt to close this finding:
If one further defines the
Pillar-parameter to a list of NTP servers,watchmaker
will close the finding by configuring thechrony
service to use that list of serversIf one fails to define the
will close the finding by configuring thechrony
service to a default list of servers (the per-vendor “pool” NTP servers maintained by the Network Time Protocol (NTP) Project)
Enable SSH Server firewalld Firewall Exception¶
Invalid Finding:
This finding may be triggered if only the ssh
ports are scanned for. The watchmaker
hardening routines ensure that a broad-scoped (i.e., “allow from all”) firewalld exception is made for the ssh
service. The implementation-difference may be seen by comparing the outputs of firewall-cmd --list-services
# firewall-cmd --list-services | sed 's/\s\s*/\n/g' | grep ssh
and firewall-cmd --list-ports
# firewall-cmd --list-ports | grep ^22
Watchmaker’s implementation will show up only in the output of the former. Some scanners may only expect the exception to show up in the latter.
Enable Certmap in SSSD¶
Expected Finding:
Because configuration of the sssd
service to perform SmartCard-based authentication is an inherently-local configuration-task (and because no suitable testing environment has been provided to this project-team to prototype against), watchmaker
makes no attempt to configure sssd
service to perform SmartCard-based authentication.
OS library files must have mode 755 or less permissive¶
Conditionally-valid Finding:
Scanners should typically only search in the directories /lib
, /lib64
, /usr/lib
and /usr/lib64
for this finding. Overly-broad scans of those directories may turn up the files:
The /lib/polkit-1/polkit-agent-helper-1
will be a symbolic-link pointing
to /usr/lib/polkit-1/polkit-agent-helper-1
These are files that need to set to mode 4755
– permissions that are broader than the mode 0755
permitted under this finding.
Changing these files’ permissions to make them no longer show up on scans will break the hardened system.
Any files other than /lib/polkit-1/polkit-agent-helper-1
and /usr/lib/polkit-1/polkit-agent-helper-1
should be treated as valid findings and remediated.