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watchmaker from the CLI

Once Watchmaker is installed and a configuration file has been created (or you have decided to use the default configuration), using Watchmaker as a CLI utility is as simple as executing watchmaker. Below is the output of watchmaker --help, showing the CLI options.

In addition to the below options, any setting supported by the configfiguration file can be passed on the CLI. Some settings from the configuration file are not listed in the --help output, which displays only the most frequently used options. To pass any such “hidden” CLI argument, just precede it with -- and convert an underscore to a dash. For example, to pass the salt_content argument on the CLI, use watchmaker <other options> --salt-content <content-url>. Arguments passed on the CLI always override the corresponding setting in the configuration file (see configuration for precedence).

# watchmaker --help
Usage: watchmaker [OPTIONS]

  Entry point for Watchmaker cli.

  --version                       Show the version and exit.
  -c, --config TEXT               Path or URL to the config.yaml file.
  -l, --log-level [info|debug|critical|warning|error]
                                  Set the log level. Case-insensitive.
  -d, --log-dir DIRECTORY         Path to the directory where Watchmaker log
                                  files will be saved.
  -n, --no-reboot                 If this flag is not passed, Watchmaker will
                                  reboot the system upon success. This flag
                                  suppresses that behavior. Watchmaker
                                  suppresses the reboot automatically if it
                                  encounters a failure.
  -s, --salt-states TEXT          Comma-separated string of salt states to
                                  apply. A value of 'None' will not apply any
                                  salt states. A value of 'Highstate' will
                                  apply the salt highstate.
  -A, --admin-groups TEXT         Set a salt grain that specifies the domain
                                  groups that should have root privileges on
                                  Linux or admin privileges on Windows. Value
                                  must be a colon-separated string. E.g.
  -a, --admin-users TEXT          Set a salt grain that specifies the domain
                                  users that should have root privileges on
                                  Linux or admin privileges on Windows. Value
                                  must be a colon-separated string. E.g.
  -t, --computer-name TEXT        Set a salt grain that specifies the
                                  computername to apply to the system.
  -e, --env TEXT                  Set a salt grain that specifies the
                                  environment in which the system is being
                                  built. E.g. dev, test, or prod
  -p, --ou-path TEXT              Set a salt grain that specifies the full DN
                                  of the OU where the computer account will be
                                  created when joining a domain. E.g.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Note: The -c/--config switch supports the use of s3:// URLs. However, in order for such URLs to be treated as valid, it will be necessary to include the boto3 Python module: if leveraging userData for either Windows or Linux (as below), include it on the same pip install line used to install watchmaker; if executing interactively (or by other non userData means), ensure that the relevant system-preparation processes performed to install watchmaker also include installation of the boto3 module prior to invoking the watchmaker utility. Failure to ensure presence of the boto3 Python module when referencing s3:// URIs will result in logged-failures similar to:

2023-06-22 14:26:59,192 [backoff][INFO ][4908]: Backing off urlopen_retry(...) for 0.6s (urllib.error.URLError: <urlopen error unknown url type: s3>)
2023-06-22 14:26:59,803 [backoff][ERROR][4908]: Giving up urlopen_retry(...) after 5 tries (urllib.error.URLError: <urlopen error unknown url type: s3>)
2023-06-22 14:26:59,803 [watchmaker.config][CRITICAL][4908]: Could not read config file from the provided value "s3://<BUKKIT>/<PREFIX>/config.yaml"! Check that the config is available.

watchmaker as a standalone package (Beta feature)

Standalone packages are a beta feature and may not function in all environments.

Once a Watchmaker standalone executable has been downloaded and a configuration file has been created (or you have decided to use the default configuration), use Watchmaker similarly to the CLI utility.

For example, on Linux, you can view the CLI options (shown above) using the same flag.

# ./watchmaker --help

From Windows, similarly, execute Watchmaker by running it from the command line:

PS C:\wam> watchmaker.exe --help

watchmaker in AWS

watchmaker as EC2 userdata

Calling Watchmaker via EC2 userdata is a variation on using it as a CLI utility. The main difference is that you must account for installing Watchmaker first, as part of the userdata. Since the userdata syntax and dependency installation differ a bit on Linux and Windows, we provide methods for each as examples.


The pip commands in the examples are a bit more complex than necessarily needed, depending on your use case. In these examples, we are taking into account limitations in FIPS support in the default PyPi repo. This way the same pip command works for all platforms.


For Linux, you must ensure pip is installed, and then you can install watchmaker from PyPi. After that, run watchmaker using any option available on the CLI. Here is an example:


# Install pip
python3 -m ensurepip

# Install setup dependencies
python3 -m pip install --index-url="$PYPI_URL" --upgrade pip setuptools

# Install Watchmaker
python3 -m pip install --index-url="$PYPI_URL" --upgrade watchmaker

# Run Watchmaker
watchmaker --log-level debug --log-dir=/var/log/watchmaker

Alternatively, cloud-config directives can also be used on Linux:


  - |

    # Install pip
    python3 -m ensurepip

    # Install setup dependencies
    python3 -m pip install --index-url="$PYPI_URL" --upgrade pip setuptools

    # Install Watchmaker
    python3 -m pip install --index-url="$PYPI_URL" --upgrade watchmaker

    # Run Watchmaker
    watchmaker --log-level debug --log-dir=/var/log/watchmaker


For Windows, the first step is to install Python. Watchmaker provides a simple bootstrap script to do that for you. After installing Python, install watchmaker using pip and then run it.

$BootstrapUrl = "https://watchmaker.cloudarmor.io/releases/latest/watchmaker-bootstrap.ps1"
$PythonUrl = "https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.10.11/python-3.10.11-amd64.exe"
$PypiUrl = "https://pypi.org/simple"

# Use TLS 1.2+
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = "Tls12, Tls13"

# Download bootstrap file
$BootstrapFile = "${Env:Temp}\$(${BootstrapUrl}.split('/')[-1])"
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile("$BootstrapUrl", "$BootstrapFile")

# Install python
& "$BootstrapFile" -PythonUrl "$PythonUrl" -Verbose -ErrorAction Stop

# Install Watchmaker
python -m pip install --index-url="$PypiUrl" --upgrade pip setuptools
python -m pip install --index-url="$PypiUrl" --upgrade watchmaker

# Run Watchmaker
watchmaker --log-level debug --log-dir=C:\Watchmaker\Logs

watchmaker as a CloudFormation template

Watchmaker can be integrated into a CloudFormation template as well. This project provides a handful of CloudFormation templates that launch instances or create autoscaling groups, and that install and execute Watchmaker during the launch. These templates are intended as examples for you to modify and extend as you need.

Sometimes it is helpful to define the parameters for a template in a file, and pass those to CloudFormation along with the template. We call those “parameter maps”, and provide one for each of the CFN templates.

Cloudformation templates

watchmaker in a Terraform module

Watchmaker can also be used with Terraform by utilizing the Watchmaker AWS Terraform modules and passing the required parameters.

Terraform Modules


Each corresponding Terraform module and CloudFormation template are grouped together in the same directory.

The CloudFormation templates are integrated within their respective Terraform module, so they become deployable and manageable from within the Terraform cli.

Variables can be input interactively via the Terraform console or directly to the Terraform module. An example Terraform file that calls the lx-autoscale module is shown below.

provider "aws" {}

module "test-lx-instance" {
  source = "git::https://github.com/plus3it/terraform-aws-watchmaker//modules/lx-instance/"

  Name      = "tf-watchmaker-lx-autoscale"
  AmiId     = "__AMIID__"
  AmiDistro = "__AMIDISTRO__"

Additional Watchmaker Terraform examples

watchmaker in Azure

watchmaker as Custom Script Extension

Custom Script Extension downloads and executes scripts on Azure virtual machines. For Linux, you run the bash script shown in the section on Linux. You can store the bash script in Azure Storage or a publicly available url (such as with S3). Then you execute the stored script with a command. For example, a JSON string could contain

  "fileUris": ["https://path-to-bash-script/run_watchmaker.sh"],
  "commandToExecute": "./run_watchmaker.sh"

These parameters can be passed in via Azure CLI or within a Resource Management Template. For more in-depth information, see Microsoft’s documentation on Linux.

For Windows, you would execute a PowerShell script in a similar manner as for Windows (but without the powershell tags). Then you would have the following parameters:

  "fileUris": ["https://path-to-bash-script/run_watchmaker.ps1"],
  "commandToExecute": "powershell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -File run_watchmaker.ps1"

For more in-depth information on using Custom Script Extension for Windows, see Microsoft’s documentation on Windows.

watchmaker as a library

Watchmaker can also be used as a library, as part of another python application.

import watchmaker

arguments = watchmaker.Arguments()
arguments.config_path = None
arguments.no_reboot = False
arguments.salt_states = None

client = watchhmaker.Client(arguments)


This demonstrates only a few of the arguments that are available for the watchmaker.Arguments() object. For details on all arguments, see the API Reference.