Dissecting The config.yaml
The stock config.yaml file has five top-level directives or directive-maps:
These directives or directive-dictionaries are used to govern the overall behavior of watchmaker’s execution. See the default config.yaml file for generic layout and exemplar-content.
The watchmaker_version
This directive applies a compatibility-filter to the watchmaker execution. If the installed version of watchmaker doesn’t meet the version-critera set by this line, watchmaker won’t work with this file’s content. It’s assumed that any watchmaker version that does not match the version-criteria will not (properly) support the configuration directives. Normally, the version is set as “greater than or equal to” string.
The all
This map is used to supply default values to both saltstack and to specific SaltStack formulae. The map-keys most likely to be of interest will be:
The valid_environments
This list provides a list of names of “environments” that saltstack’s site-customization behavior has been configured to deliver. This will typically be used by environments that wish to customize deployments on an environment-by-environment basis (e.g. where an organization’s development, testing/integration and production environments might have different endpoints to contact for things like configuring authentication) and wish to have a single config.yaml
file to be used across all valid deployment-environments.
Typical values will be null
, test
and/or prod
Usage of
indicates no differentiation between environments – that the generic configuration should be applied. This can mean that all the environments leverage the same service-integration information or that each deployment-environment will be governed by a differentconfig.yaml
file.The others are shorthand for “development”, “testing & integration” and “production”, respectively.
The word “typical” was previously emphasized because any value (other than null
) is supported so long as there is a correspondingingly-named content-hierarchy in the site’s custom Salt-content archive file (see the salt-content
dictionary-key in the next section). This content-hierarchy needs to exist within the Salt-content archive file at ./pillar/<ENVIRONMENT_NAME>
(e.g., a dev
environment would have a corresponding ./pillar/dev
directory in the Salt-content archive file).
The default environment that watchmaker will apply is specified using the
parameter. In the example, this is set to null
meaning that a generic configuration will be applied. This value is
overridden by requesting a specific environment-configuration by using
either -e <ENVIRONMENT>
or --env <ENVIRONMENT>
flag and argument
when invoking watchmaker (per the Usage Guide).
The salt_content
This string defines where Watchmaker should attempt to download any site-customization content from. If this value is the literal null
, watchmaker will not attempt to download any site-customization content. Otherwise, a valid URI pointing to a customized Salt-content archive should be used. This URI can point to a locally-staged file, an HTTP/HTTPS URL or an S3 URI.
If using an S3 URI, a couple of further requirements apply:
When installing watchmaker, it will be necessary for the
Python library to be installedThe to-be-configured system must have read access to the specified S3 URI
By default, watchmaker
will extract this archive-file’s contents at /srv/watchmaker/salt
(Linux) or C:\Watchmaker\Salt\srv
(Windows) the ./
referenced elsewhere in this document will be relative to that extraction-location.
See the Salt Contents Archive File document for a discussion on the contents and layout of this file.
The salt_states
This parameter is by Watchmaker to invoke SaltStack with the desired states selected for execution. The typical value for this parameter is Highstate
. The Highstate
value tells watchmaker to invoke SaltStack with the Highstate
invoker rather than iterated-states invoker. Invoking Saltstack with the Highstate
invoker will cause all available and activated formulas to be selected for execution.
The salt_version
The value for this parameter instructs watchmaker which version of the Saltstack software it should download – or, if the correct version is already installed, skip re-downloading or re-installing. This will correspond to the value returned when salt-call --version
is executed (after the watchmaker
utility has downloaded and installed SaltStack). See the watchmaker changelog for guidance on latest supported version of Saltstack.
The user_formulas
This dictionary-parameter usually has no content. However, if one wishes to customize watchmaker’s execution either by adding further formulae to install or to override installtion of default-formulae’s contents with newer content (e.g., when testing updates to standard formulae), this dictionary should be populated. The expected value will take the form of:
will be used as the installation-location for the formula-contents into the/srv/watchmaker/salt/formulas
(Linux) orC:\Watchmaker\Salt\srv\formulas
(Windows) directories.<DOWNLOAD_URL>
will be used as the location from which to download an archive of target formula’s content. This content should be in the form of a ZIP archive. Most frequently, this will be the public download-URL of a GitHub branch’s (or commit-ID’s) ZIP-archived, but any archive-URL that watchmaker has permission to download should work
For example, if one is working on updates to the ash-linux-formula
and has made those changes in a GitHub project, one would specify a value of:
ash-linux-formula: https://github.com/<USER_ID>/<PROJECT_NAME>/archive/refs/heads/<BRANCH_NAME>.zip
The above will cause the content normally loaded at .../formulas/ash-linux-formula
to be replaced with the content unarchved from the https://github.com/<USER_ID>/<PROJECT_NAME>/archive/refs/heads/<BRANCH_NAME>.zip
Similarly, if one is working on a new formula, specifying:
<NEW_FORMULA_NAME>: https://github.com/<USER_ID>/<PROJECT_NAME>/archive/refs/heads/<BRANCH_NAME>.zip
Will cause the content-archive hosted at the specified GitHub URL to be unarcheved at the platform-appropriate .../formulas/<NEW_FORMULA_NAME>
directory-path. It should also cause an appropriate update to the SaltStack minion-configuration[1]. If this fails to happen, there is most likely a formatting issue with your user_formulas
declaration. The following is (a snippet of) how the declaration should look:
Note that the <FORMULA_NAME>
line is indented two spaces from the user_formulas
token. If improper indentation is used - for example:
Neither the .../formulas/<NEW_FORMULA_NAME>
directory-path will be created nor the minion
file updated.
The linux
This map contains two top-level keys: yum
and salt
. Both are also maps.
The yum
map instructs watchmaker about where to fetch yum
repository-definition files from. Using the yum:repo_map
, watchmaker will perform a lookup using the dist:<distribution>
value and el_version
value to identify the download url
from which to pull the appropriate yum
repository-definition files from
Currently, mappings for Red Hat 7
, CentOS 7
, Alma Linux 8
CentOS 8 Stream
, Oracle Linux 8
, Red Hat 8
and Rocky Linux 8
are defined. Further Enterprise Linux distributions may be supported by
appropriate extension of this map, along with further modifcations to a few
Saltstack formulae.
The salt
map is generally not modified for customization or other activities.
The windows
Similar to the linux
map, the windows
map instructs watchmaker about where to fetch the Salt-minion setup-executable for Windows from.
As with the linux
map, the salt
dictionary is generally not modified for customization or other activities.
The status
This map defines the “status” content that watchmaker will attempt to write as a tag to the watchmaker-managed host. Currently, only Amazon EC2s and Azure VMs are supported. Currently, this map defaults to a value of:
- key: WatchmakerStatus
required: false
provider_type: aws
- key: WatchmakerStatus
required: false
provider_type: azure
The watchmaker finish/status routines interpret the above to mean, “apply the tag named WatchmakerStatus
to the managed-host and set an appropriate completion-status value[2], but do not exit with an error if the tagging-operation fails”.